Posts by: Unscene Comedy

Working Comic: Working Landscaping. -by Shawn Carter.

Last week I accepted a job for a landscaping company.  I was up front about my schedule and told them I could only work one or two days a...

A SONG I HEARD TODAY, Volume 12: Stay With Me, The Faces – By Rich Karski

Welcome to another edition of Rich Karski’s A SONG I HEARD TODAY: the only online music review column that 4/5 migrant workers called...

Working Comic: Some History of Sally’s. – by Shawn Carter.

Hey everyone.  Happy Marathon Monday.  Happy 420.  Happy New Blog Day. I had a show every single night this week.  So let’s talk...

Working Comic: Back to Work. – by Shawn Carter.

If last week was a week of leisure this was the wake up call.  Back to work.  I had a show every night and one morning I even got up...

Fast & Furious Guide to CPR by Adam Abelson

What Kids Want

Working Comic: A Week of Leisure. – by Shawn Carter.

I went bowling TWICE this past week…  TWICE! Well, you know what they say.  All work and no play makes everyone dull.  This past...

A Song I Heard Today: Volume 9. – by Rich Karski.

Welcome to another edition of Rich Karski’s A SONG I HEARD TODAY: the only online music review column that picks its nose freely and...

Orphan Quirks

Working Comic: How to get booked. – by Shawn Carter.

How do I get booked there?  That’s a question I heard a lot last week.  So I’ll address it here. Newer comics keep asking me...