Archives post

Working Comic: Hi-Jacking the Birthday Party. – by Shawn Carter.

Have you ever made a conversation all about you?   Forcing everyone involved to listen to you as you talk about your life.  Of course...

A Song I Heard Today: Volume 19 – by Rich Karski

Welcome to another edition of Rich Karski’s A SONG I HEARD TODAY: the only online music review column that uses its ad revenue to buy...

Missing the Point: The President says the N-Word, Oh My by Ted Pettingell

Hey the internet, hows your week going?  That bad?  I can understand.  It’s been rough for all of us.  Good thing today the President...

Working Comic: The Beginning of a Comedy Room. – by Shawn Carter.

What a week!  Monday I did Sally’s, Tuesday it was Stadium.  But Saturday,  that was the day I had been looking forward to for...

A Song I Heard Today: Volume 18: Plastic Bertrand, Ca Plane Pour Moi – by Rich Karski

Welcome to another edition of Rich Karski’s A SONG I HEARD TODAY: the only online music review column that is required course...

Stay Positive: Weeks 2 & 3 By Ted Pettingell

Ah that didn’t take long.  Two weeks in and I already missed an update.  I told you I couldn’t handle the pressure.  All you kind...

Missing The Point: Women Can Be Scientists, White People Can Be Black, And We Are All… Nazis?

Hey everybody, have been reading the internet this last week?  Oh boy, yeah you have.  So much blind rage and genuine confusion this...

Working Comic: The Good, The Bad, and The Money. -by Shawn Carter.

“What do you do all day?”  That’s what most people ask me when I tell them that I haven’t been working.  Well, I...

A SONG I HEARD TODAY: VOLUME 17. Billy Joel’s, “You May Be Right.” – by Rich Karski.

Welcome to another edition of Rich Karski’s A SONG I HEARD TODAY: the only online music review column that has won NBA Defensive...

Missing the Point: Jerry Seinfeld is Killing Comedy, Not Political Correctness – by Ted Pettingell

Hey everyone, good that you came back to read some more stuff from the internet. This week I’m sure somewhere in your news feed you saw...