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A Handy Dandy Guide to Sending Avails.
Shawn CarterJan 24, 2018
We’ve talked previously about how to get booked, how to set up your own independent comedy show, and how to baby proof your house....
DICK PICKS- Conference Championships
Rich KarskiJan 21, 2018
Welcome to another edition of DICK PICKS: the only online NFL gambling column that is read aloud in nursing homes to make the residents...
DICK PICKS- Divisional Playoffs
Rich KarskiJan 12, 2018
Welcome to another edition of DICK PICK: the only online NFL gambling column that has passed the NFL’s concussion protocol has passed...
DICK PICKS- Wild Card Playoffs
Rich KarskiJan 05, 2018
Welcome to another edition of DICK PICKS: the only online NFL gambling column that continually skirts the Rooney Rule by wearing very dark...