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HOW TO!: UnScene’s Weekly Column About How to Do a Thing

HOW TO! #7: How to behave on the internet! by Rich Karski Welcome back to another edition of Rich Karski’s HOW TO!: The weekly internet...

FAUX News: Breaking News

Malaysian officials announce that all evidence conclusively proves Amelia Earhart is dead. Notify relatives via Instagram. Yesterday,...

The Unsolicited Advice Column

The Unsolicited Advice Column – by Ted Pettingell A weekly advice column with questions ripped from the headlines (of social media)...

HOW TO!: UnScene’s Weekly Column About How to Do a Thing

HOW TO! #6: How to survive in the wilderness! by Rich Karski Welcome back to another edition of Rich Karski’s HOW TO!: The weekly...

FAUX News: Week in Review – Week ending 3/15/2014

Mitch McConnell rallies conservatives at CPAC by vowing “We’ll get that wascally wabbit!”   In danger of losing his...

Monday March 17, The Best Value You’ll Ever Get For A Comedy Show Ever.

Hi everyone,  I’m here today to basically try to raise awareness for a comedy show. Monday, March 17 at 8 pm you can get the...

HOW TO!: UnScene’s Weekly Column About How to Do a Thing

HOW TO! #5: How to get a date! by Rich Karski Welcome back to another edition of Rich Karski’s HOW TO!: the weekly online column...

New UnScene Comedy Podcast: Licensed to Drive is Up on iTunes!

Hello friends! Christa here. Our first show at our new venue was a great success! We are totally stoked all of you lovely people came out...

FAUX NEWS: Special Report – Crisis in Crimea

After invading Ukraine, Putin reveals that he controls the weather. Republicans finally want to do something about climate change. This...