Posts by: Ted Pettingell

The Beerman Picks the President

Every four years America is forced to choose a new sociopathic millionaire to be the symbolic figure head of our democracy. And for some...

Summertime Fun Ted’s Guide to Summertime Fun, Part Four: Hazy Summer Days -by Summertime Fun Ted

So you’ve got your summertime threads on, you’ve drank a heroic amount of margaritas, and you’ve just cooked a medium sized piece of...

Summertime Fun Ted’s Guide to Summertime Fun, Part Three: Being a Meat Man (or Woman) -by Summertime Fun Ted

The summertime offers us one of the greatest pleasures of all: The ability to shake off the shackles of domestication and communally devour...

Summertime Fun Ted’s Guide to Summertime Fun, Part Dos: XX Alcohol XX -By Summertime Fun Ted

Nothing says summer time fun like drunken debauchery. Hazy summer nights are the perfect time to enjoy and adult beverage or two and...

Summertime Fun Ted’s Guide to Summer Time Fun, Part Uno: ¡Fashion!

The most important part of embodying Summertime Fun is looking like you are always having a good time. First impressions mean a lot and if...

Stay Positive: Week 4 by Ted Pettingell

Hello friends. Another week and another late article.  This time it was because last week… when I was supposed to be writing about two...

Missing the Point: The President says the N-Word, Oh My by Ted Pettingell

Hey the internet, hows your week going?  That bad?  I can understand.  It’s been rough for all of us.  Good thing today the President...

Stay Positive: Weeks 2 & 3 By Ted Pettingell

Ah that didn’t take long.  Two weeks in and I already missed an update.  I told you I couldn’t handle the pressure.  All you kind...

Missing The Point: Women Can Be Scientists, White People Can Be Black, And We Are All… Nazis?

Hey everybody, have been reading the internet this last week?  Oh boy, yeah you have.  So much blind rage and genuine confusion this...

Missing the Point: Jerry Seinfeld is Killing Comedy, Not Political Correctness – by Ted Pettingell

Hey everyone, good that you came back to read some more stuff from the internet. This week I’m sure somewhere in your news feed you saw...