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DICK PICKS: UnScene’s NFL Gambling Column, Week 8 – by Rich Karski

Welcome to another edition of DICK PICKS: the only online NFL gambling column that doesn’t care if bacon gives you cancer because...

The Middle-Aged Man Update. – by Mike Pincus.

Swimming is stupid My back hurts. I know, I know, so does yours. Everyone’s back hurts. We’re a ridiculous, poorly evolved species. Our...

Faux News: Clinton Scores Benghazi Points; Fantasy Politics Now Under Scrutiny – by Nicholas O’Connor

In Thursday’s Benghazi Hearing, Hillary Clinton scored a solid “Boring” with no-self-incrimination, and a probability of partisan...

Working Comic: One Year. – by Shawn Carter.

It’s been 415 days since I left my full time job painting cars.  Which means that I am 50 days late with this update.  I’ve...

DICK PICKS: UnScene’s NFL Gambling Column, Week 7 – by Rich Karski

Welcome to another edition of DICK PICKS: the only online NFL gambling column that is exactly like Star Wars in that it keeps getting worse...

Faux News: MAN SEEKS APPROVAL by Nicholas O’Connor

A 23-year-old man, Thomas Ricard of Boise, ID has been reported at parties, coffee shops, bars and other local functions seeking general...

DICK PICKS: UnScene’s NFL Gambling Column, Week 6 – by Rich Karski

Welcome to another edition of DICK PICKS: the only online NFL gambling column that won’t stop listening to “I Know It’s...

DICK PICKS: UnScene’s NFL Gambling Column, Week 5 – by Rich Karski

Welcome to another edition of DICK PICKS: the only online NFL gambling column that has gone literally a dozen years without swallowing a...

DICK PICKS: UnScene’s NFL Gambling Column, Week 4 – by Rich Karski

Welcome to another edition of DICK PICKS: the only online NFL gambling column that is translated into American Sign Language for the hard...