Posts by: Unscene Comedy

Pigs, Country Club Comedy, Weddings and Rain. (working comic) – by Shawn Carter.

“Sixty dollars” the man at the motel desk said in a thick accent as he entered it into the credit/debit pad.  I looked at the...

Arnold’s Ales

Working Comic: Back in Boston. – by Shawn Carter.

To be honest I can’t wait for Sept. 7.  That is when I will write my final installment of “Working Comic”.  At that...

Working Comic: Visiting Comic, NY. – Shawn Carter.

I have been absent for a week.  I know.  As much as I wanted to write this column last Monday I was stuck on a bus and there was hardly...

Calculator Growing Pains

Working Comic: Extra! Extra! – by Shawn Carter.

July 8th, I got a message on Facebook.  “FYI- the comedy story is running in tomorrow’s paper!”.   After, months of...

A Song I Heard Today: Volume 20 ‘Hero’ by Enrique Iglesias – by Rich Karski

Welcome to another edition of Rich Karski’s A SONG I HEARD TODAY: the only online music review column that can’t find its keys...

Working Comic: Three Comedians Walk into a Racetrack. -by Shawn Carter.

As we stood there in the announcers booth at the Speedway, holding microphones that would carry our words to the ears of the 5,000 racing...

Working Comic: Hi-Jacking the Birthday Party. – by Shawn Carter.

Have you ever made a conversation all about you?   Forcing everyone involved to listen to you as you talk about your life.  Of course...

A Song I Heard Today: Volume 19 – by Rich Karski

Welcome to another edition of Rich Karski’s A SONG I HEARD TODAY: the only online music review column that uses its ad revenue to buy...