July 8th, I got a message on Facebook. “FYI- the comedy story is running in tomorrow’s paper!”. After, months of growth the show in Quincy had gained enough popularity to be featured in The Patriot Ledger. And what a spread it was, featuring several photos from the show as well as a great write up from Patrick Ronan.
It’s funny the way things work because as it says in the article I left my day-job to pursue comedy, but if you’ve been following this blog you’re probably aware that I do work a part time job one day a week. And of course I was working it the day that this article was published in the newspaper. I was super excited about the article so I woke up early that day and tried to find a copy of the newspaper on my way to work. I stopped at 3 different gas stations that morning but was unable to find a copy. So I just went to work and figured I’d find one after I got out for the day. Eventually my friend Jim Akiba told me he picked up a copy for me, so did my room mate Scott, and my friend Joe. Now I had an abundance of newspapers but I was still at work and unable to see the full article.
July 9th, 12:20pm my friend Joe Crehan posted a picture of the newspaper calling me Shawn “Front Page” Carter. Of course I shared it on Facebook and started collecting “like”s as if I had just posted a picture of an adorable puppy. I was getting kudos and congrats messages but nothing will keep you humble quite like weeding a customers mulch bed while their 10 year old gets private lacrosse lessons on their 5 acre property. The day the article was published I was pulling up bull thistle and carpetweed, sweating through my shirt and feeling the hot sun on my neck as the children that live in this mansion play by the pool. It served as a great reminder that I shouldn’t be content just because I am going to be able to pay my electric bill this month. I still have a long way to go.
That weekend I featured at Dick Doherty’s Comedy Den in Boston, performing for 30 minutes and the crowd was great. I had the privilege of performing with some great new comics as well as Dick Doherty himself, it was a really fun weekend. Followed by another Monday at Sally O’Briens in Somerville and another Tuesday at Stadium in Quincy. The headcount at Stadium was all the way up to 67 this past week, here’s hoping that it continues to grow. Then the following Saturday I went up to Maine and did a show at the Asylum with some great killer comics from Maine.
You can check out the digital version of the article here: Quincy Stadium in The Patriot Ledger. Check out this article by Patrick Ronan!