An Update from Unscene Comedy

I was recently editing my Twitter bio when I noticed that it still held the title of, “editor,” at Unscene Comedy. You see, three years ago, myself and some other comedians decided that we were going to revitalize Unscene Comedy by creating new content, showcasing local comedy, and highlighting independent comedy projects. And about 3 weeks into this period of revitalization I became the only one actually creating new content, showcasing local comedy, highlighting independent comedy projects, or FINISHING A SINGLE GOD DAMN ARTICLE NAT BURNS! I’M STILL WAITING ON YOU TO TURN IN LITERALLY ANY ARTICLE YOU SAID YOU WOULD WRITE!

…anyway, I burned out after about six months of this, and basically forgot I was an, “editor.”

However, 2020 has been a harsh year for all of us. I’ve seen both Boston comedy, as well as the broader Boston arts scene, completely turned on it’s head by the Covid-19 crisis. Performers have lost income, venues have been shuttered (some permanently), and the fate of a lot of great shows is hanging in limbo. But in the face of that, I’ve also seen a lot of great comics and showrunners step up and create remote shows to keep us going until this is all over. They’re keeping live comedy alive, even if it can’t be in person.

So, when I remembered that I was still an, “editor,” at Unscene Comedy, I realized that I could at least help get the word out about some of the great shows that are keeping Boston Comedy going through this tough time. That’s why every Wednesday, I’m going to be highlighting some virtual comedy shows that the Boston Comedy scene has developed in response to Covid.

Incidentally, I’ve also decided to appoint myself head editor of Unscene Comedy, because realistically, who’s gonna stop me? Shawn Charter? He’s not even going to notice. Hell, he won’t look at this website again until someone makes him to post the Hottest Comics of 2020. No, from now on, I am in charge of all editorial decisions at Unscene Comedy, and there’s nothing anybody can do about it. Also, my first decision is that we will no longer publish articles that aren’t written by me. Why? Because comedians don’t turn in articles on time. (Except for Rich Karski. That guy rules.)

So, in summary, please check in every Wednesday to learn about the virtual comedy Boston has to offer, and I am now the undisputed ruler of Unscene Comedy.


P.J. Westin | Editor Managing Editor Editor in Chief Supreme Overlord of Editing

PJ is the Supreme Overlord of Editing for

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