Posts by: Unscene Comedy

Wrestling Videos That Made Me Laugh… (enjoy wrestlemania today you knuckleheads). -by Shawn Carter.

I don’t usually post anything on Sundays but since Wrestlemania is today and I know a lot of comedians enjoy wrestling I decide to...

The Entertainment Outlook by R.A. Bartlett

It’s About Ethics in Necronomicon Transcribing Sony is planning some grand launch of a Ghostbusters Cinematic Universe. It started when...

Remakes and Sequels! Have We Had Enough! – by Shawn Carter.

As I sit here, a young creative type that’s written dozens of pages of a single screen play I wonder, can’t we do better than...

Working Comic: A Surprising Week. – by Shawn Carter.

This was one of those strange weeks where things actually workout in an unexpected and beautiful way.  There’s plenty to talk about...

Totally Stranded Diary by Sam Ike

Day 1 Help will come soon, just have to be patient. Island is warm. Glad I packed sunglasses, Larry is so fucked. Felt scared at first then...

St. Patrick’s Day. – by Mark McDonough

Most people recognize red as a warning color, but for Michael, it was green. Green can be symbol of money: the root of all evil....

Working Comic. Social Media Expert. – by Shawn Carter.

The internet is over.  I know it’s over because my dad is now on Facebook.  He’s doing cool things like commenting on a photo...

Problem Solved

Working Comic: 6 Months. (podcast adventure with Josh Gondelman) – by Shawn Carter

Thursday March 5th marked 6 months of full time comedy for me.  I haven’t had a day job in that amount of time.  I haven’t...

Outrage at Bull’s Helm. -by Mark McDonough

The breeze rolled gently into Bull’s Helm and the flame of the torches danced seductively in the night’s air. The mood, for...