Working Comic: Christmas Passed. – by Shawn Carter.

Shawn Carter

Shawn Carter

“You suck!” , “shut up”,  “alright, we’ve heard enough out of you!”  Those aren’t hecklers at a show, they are my family members at Christmas when they ask me if I have to work the following day and I remind them that I don’t have a job.

I really like Christmas.  I enjoy being with my family and listening to Christmas music and eating the delicious turkey that my mother cooks and my father carves.  Every year my grandmother brings shrimp.  I get to see my cousins and of course my nieces and nephew.  It is indeed the most wonderful time of the year.

Buying gifts was made slightly easier this year.  With limited funds comes limited options*.  It’s a lot easier to decide what to buy someone when you can afford one of three things.  Since Christmas shopping was made so much easier this year I was able to complete mine on Dec. 23.  A new record for me obviously.

But how was comedy?!

Pretty slow.

Monday – Hosted Sally O’Briens in Somerville.

Tuesday – Hosted Stadium in Quincy.

Wednesday – Christmas Eve.  Family time.

Thursday – More family time.

Friday – I did a show in Newport, RI called the Wasted Talent Show.  I felt like I fit in.  The place was sold out.  Doug Key did a great job setting it up and hosting it.  The show was a little far from home though and started late so I couldn’t stick around for the whole thing.  I’m sure it ended with a standing ovation though.  Lots of funny people on that show.

Saturday – Non comedy related post christmas party.

Sunday – Watched an exorbitant amount of youtube videos about lighting for photography and people that have died on mount everest.  I don’t know why I spent so much time watching the Everest stuff.

This Saturday coming up Jan. 3rd is the big show for me this month.  I’m attempting to record a cd or album or cassette, whatever it is that kids listen to these days.  I’ll be at the Nantasket Beach Resort.  8pm.  Tickets are $15 at the door but you can get them for $7 online by clicking here.


*at no point in time have I had unlimited funds.

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